Architectural design of private house at the shores of lake Sisga (Colombia)
Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The location of the house is a hilly area situated near the lake of Sisga (Colombia). [...]

Activating a neighbourhood park
Management, adviezen en trainingen, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The community enterprise Vrienden van Vlaardinger-Ambacht (friends of the neighbourhood Vlaardinger-Ambacht) asked us to make plans [...]

Amsterdam’s Rokin boosts by temporary intervention in public space
Management, adviezen en trainingen, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The Rokin in Amsterdam is a street in the central area where for many years [...]

Future living? Vision for housing association Havensteder
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The social housing association Havensteder launched a contest about social housing and living in the future. [...]

All about the Dutch Bike and cycling culture
Management, adviezen en trainingen
It is well known that the Dutch cycle and more and more countries are wondering how [...]

Scenarios for the public space of the neighborhood Brukske
Management, adviezen en trainingen, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The municipality of Venray and the housing association Wonen Limburg are evaluating the Master plan that [...]

Market research creative industries and cycling sector
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek, Management, adviezen en trainingen
Market research Creative sector Which opportunities does Colombia offer for design, architecture and urbanism? During a [...]

Dutch approach for sustainable urban development
Management, adviezen en trainingen, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The more the merrier; exporting the Dutch collaborative approach to redensify Colombian cities In 2014, [...]

Organisation of study courses and tours in the Netherlands
Management, adviezen en trainingen
Dutch urban development is well-known and we organise study courses and tours for international groups to get acquainted [...]

Organization of study and business opportunity tour to Colombia
Management, adviezen en trainingen
The trip was intended to exchange knowledge on urban development and to explore the opportunities for [...]

urbanism and economy
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
One of our working themes: How are urban planning and economy linked together? We demonstrate this [...]

Methodology and pilot for a sustainable shopping centre
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek, Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
Corio is the second largest owner and investor of shopping centers in Europe. It's Corporate Social [...]