Education: organisation lectures strategy, economy and stakeholders
Management, adviezen en trainingen
Urbanism is about much more than design, think about strategy, working and living processes and dealing [...]

Transformation of vacant office building
Management, adviezen en trainingen
The Amsterdam branch of the Carpenter and Furnishing College was looking for ( temporarily) space to [...]
Training : User involvement
Management, adviezen en trainingen
Training : User involvement during definition of the Program of Requirements for Integral Child Centre The [...]

Energy in the city of in Arnhem in 2050
Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The team led by URBANOS was selected by the Municipality of Arnhem and the energy supplier [...]

Urban design office of the future
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek
URBANOS joins the project "Urban design office of the future" led by Professor Peter de Bois [...]

Creating Class: make space for crafts and making industry
Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
The ‘New Harloheim’ competition deals with the question about the role of Haarlem-East in the metropolitan [...]

Apple-E-center: Experience, Energy and Expertise
Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
Question: concept and strategy to transform a military site Team: URBANOS and IM.Architects Concept: The former [...]

Feasibility of DIY and co-create housing and neighbourhoods
Management, adviezen en trainingen
Co-create neighbourhoods or Do It Yourself housing is popular in the Netherlands because societal and financial [...]

Concept and strategy to transform an industrial area
Stedenbouw : concept, ontwerp en strategie
We developed a concept and strategy to transform the industrial area Cruquius in Amsterdam into a [...]

De economische gevolgen van de leegstaande kantoren
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek
De leegstand van kantoren neemt nog steeds toe en dit heeft gevolgen voor iedereen. Wij onderzoeken [...]
Do It Yourself urbanism
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek
The financial crisis of 2008 hit the Dutch housing market heavily because the development of houses [...]

De markt als strategisch middel voor stedelijke vernieuwing
Ruimtelijk en sociaaleconomisch onderzoek
Markten zijn fascinerende plekken in de dynamiek van de stad. Markten hebben een enorme potentie als [...]