URBANOS selected for festival URBANBAT 2018

URBANOS selected for festival URBANBAT 2018

We are proud to announce that our project Ruta de la Experiencia was one of the selected projects to be part of the 2018 festival URBANBAT in Bilbao. The seventh edition of URBANBAT will explore the subject of ‘instant cities’. Instant cities will explore the technologies and planning mechanisms developed in a very short time to allow cities to host a large scale leisure or cultural festival. During the festival, together with the other seventh selected practices and the team of URBANBAT, we will cocreate sustainable and innovative strategies for the impact of these festivals in cities and local communities.

2018-10-04T13:55:07+00:00 september 4th, 2018|Internationaal, Lezing, nieuws, Onderzoek, Stedelijke ontwikkeling, Stedenbouw|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor URBANOS selected for festival URBANBAT 2018