Online lecture: The Covid crisis and the compact city

Online lecture: The Covid crisis and the compact city

 Urban planers and designers all around the world are following closely the corona crisis. Is this crisis something incidental or do we have to take pandemics info account in the future and what does it mean for the liveability of the compact city? Camila Pinzon Cortes and Pepijn Verpaalen gave a webinar in Santiago de Chile about the opportunities of the compact city for the corona crisis and for future pandemics. The lecture was organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Finis Terrae #UFinisTerrae and moderated by Margarita Jans.

2020-07-07T10:35:04+00:00 May 11th, 2020|Internationaal, Lezing|Comments Off on Online lecture: The Covid crisis and the compact city